Education for sustainability, citizenship, democracy and peace



If we are to address the current ecological crisis we need to work together in peace and harmony to mobilize all the resources at our disposal. Education has a special role to play in this process. We know without doubt that the leaders of tomorrow are in school today and seeing that they are environmentally literate is a high priority which cannot wait. Drawing on the acclaimed book written by the presenters, this session will explore new thinking about sustainability education in the UK and other parts of the world. It will focus on the relationship between pupils and the environment, highlight different ways of knowing and seek to identify underlying principles and values linked to the United Nations Global Goals. The aim is to show how social justice, equity and inclusion can be set alongside ecological and environmental imperatives to guide children as they navigate increasingly troubled times.


  • Dr Stephen Scoffham, educational author, school atlas consultant and Visiting Reader in Sustainability and Education at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK,
  • Steve Rawlinson, Principal Lecturer in Geography Education at Northumbria University, UK and chair of the Editorial Board of the journal Primary Geography for many years.